ESG and Responsible Investing

Driven by our « One Health » approach, our aim is to support portfolio companies in achieving a positive impact on the society and on the environment, with the ultimate objective to contribute to improving and saving patients ‘lives.

At Mérieux Equity Partners we are committed to responsible and sustainable investments, and we are convinced that ESG is an assurance of sustainability and performance that will benefit to all its stakeholders.

As signatories of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) promoted by the United Nations, we commit to the six principles of the responsible investment:

  1. To incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes
  2. To be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices
  3. To seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest
  4. To promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry
  5. To work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles
  6. To report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles

We are signatories of the Investors for Growth Charter, the Gender Equality Charter and the Value Sharing Charter of France Invest.

We are also a member of Initiative Climat International (iC International) and believe that private equity has to play its part in the context of a deepening climate emergency.

Our ESG actions are carried out in coordination with France Invest within the framework of several commissions : Talents and Diversity, Impact and Sustainibility.

ESG throughout our Investment Process

Mérieux Equity Partners set up policies on the integration of sustainability risks in the investment decision-making process.

The investment policy integrates environmental and social characteristics of the investments. Since 2020, a periodical report related to extra-financial characteristics is available for investors.

ESG is integrated at each step of the investment cycle.

1. Screening Phase
  • Screening towards the management company’s exclusion policy such as sector, geography and prohibited practices.



2. Due-Diligence
  • Review of the activity’s compliance with the UNRPI’s
  • Risk/Opportunity analysis based on SASB sector guidelines and company information
  • ESG Due-Diligence is presented to the Investment Committee.
3. Ownership Phase
  • ESG clause incorporated in shareholder’s agreement.
  • ESG interview and roadmap definition.
  • EESG Monitoring (Progress Plans, ESG KPIs).
  • Shareholder’s Engagement Policy.
  • Internal process to report ESG incidents.
4. Exit Phase
  • All ESG data collected during the ownership phase is integrated into the data romm available to the vendors.
  • Translate ESG actions that have generated savings, better productivity, safer work environment, building “Win-Win” partnerships.

Our Policies

Our ESG Policy
Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
Our Exclusion Policy

Our Nature Strategy

Integrating Nature: at the heart of our One Health approach

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, encompassing the different species of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. At Mérieux Equity Partners, we prefer to talk about “Nature” rather than “Biodiversity”, considering that it includes a wider scope, combining both living and non-living things: water, soil, air, mineral, and light.

To learn more about how we take this issue into account, please click on “Our Nature Strategy”.

Our Nature Strategy

Our Commitments

France Invest's Investors for Growth Charter
France Invest's Charter for Gender Equality
France Invest's Investors for Value Sharing

Our Reports and Statements

ESG Annual Report 2023
Report Article 29 of the Energy and Climate Law 2023
Statement on the integration of sustainability in the remuneration policy
Statement on the main PAI
Statement on sustainability risk management

Our ESG Team

Mérieux Partners - Christine_Demode

Christine Demode

President, Head of operations


merieux-partners justine chabrol

Justine Chabrol

ESG Manager
